For the most comprehensive analysis of your compost sample, our Complete Compost Test Package combines multiple testing services into one convenient and cost-effective solution. This package evaluates critical parameters to ensure your compost is high-quality, safe, and effective for a variety of applications. Save money by ordering this bundled package instead of individual tests.
1. Standard Compost Test:
Moisture | pH | Bulk Density |
Porosity | Salinity | Total Organic Matter - (LOI - Loss On Ignition) |
Total Carbon | Organic Matter (Humus Fraction) | C:N Ratio |
Solvita | Compost Maturity / Stability Index | Particle Size (5/8 and 3/8) |
2. Complete Total Nutrients Test:
Moisture |
Nitrogen |
Phosphorus |
Nitrate (NO3) |
Phosphate (PO4) |
Potassium |
Sodium |
Calcium |
Magnesium |
Sulfur |
Zinc |
Iron |
Manganese |
Copper |
Boron |
Cobalt |
Molybdenum |
Selenium |
3. Available Nutrients Test:
Texture | % Active Organic Matter | Carbonates (CO3) | pH |
Electrical Conductivity (EC) | Na:Ca & Na:Mg Ratios | Nitrate-Nitrogen (NO3-N) |
Phosphorous (P2O5) |
Potassium (H2O & CO2) | Sodium (H2O & CO2) | Calcium (H2O & CO2) | Magnesium (H2O & CO2) |
Zinc (Zn) | Iron (Fe) | Manganese (Mn) | Copper (Cu) |
4. Plant Response (Germination) Test: Evaluates compost maturity by comparing seed germination rates in compost versus a control group. Compost Testing of Standard Metals Analyses
5. Standard Metals Analysis:
Arsenic | Cadmium | Chromium | Lead | Mercury |
Molybdenum | Nickel | Selenium | Zinc | Copper |
Order your Complete Compost Test Package today and take the guesswork out of composting. With precise data, you can create and use compost that maximizes benefits for soil, plants, and the environment!
Our office is open Monday thru Friday from 8 am to 5 pm. We do close for major holidays, so we recommend ordering your testing and sending your sample early if a holiday is coming up. You can always reach us by email. Just send us a message at
We understand that you need your results as soon as possible. That is why we make sure to begin processing your samples as soon as they arrive at our laboratory. When the results are ready, we will email them to the email address you provided on your submittal form. The list below will give you an idea of our usual turnaround times.
Soil Tests: 5-7 Business days
Water Tests: 5 - 7 Business days
Plants Tests: 24 - 48 Hours
Compost Tests: 7 - 14 Business days
Fertilizer Tests: 3 - 5 Business days
Heavy Metals Test: 7 - 14 Business days
We offer a rush option for an additional 50% of the testing cost, but we would encourage you to give yourself time to test before you get to a point where a rush is needed.