The NRCS Certified Compost Test ensures your compost meets the standards set by the Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS). This comprehensive analysis verifies that your product is a high-quality compost, suitable for soil amendment, erosion control, stormwater management, and other applications.
Compost is defined as the product manufactured through controlled aerobic, biological decomposition of biodegradable materials. It undergoes mesophilic and thermophilic temperatures to significantly reduce pathogens and weed seeds (in accordance with EPA 40 CFR 503 standards) and stabilize carbon, making it beneficial for plant growth. Finished compost is typically screened to reduce particle size for better soil incorporation.
The NRCS recognizes several compost-related products:
Compost is a dynamic product that evolves over time. Regular testing helps manufacturers maintain consistent quality:
This test includes analysis of the following parameters:
Moisture | pH | Total Nitrogen | Total Phosphorus |
Total Potassium |
Total Sodium |
Total Calcium | Total Magnesium |
Total Zinc |
Total Iron | Total Copper, | Total Manganese |
C:N |
Sulfate as SO4 | Boron | Chloride |
Cobalt | Selenium | Molybdenum |
Total Carbon |
Sample Size Required - 1 Gallon sized zip lock bag
Please ship these samples overnight in an insulated container with ice packs.
The NRCS Certified Compost Test ensures:
Order your NRCS Certified Compost Test today and ensure your product meets the highest standards for quality and performance!
Our office is open Monday thru Friday from 8 am to 5 pm. We do close for major holidays, so we recommend ordering your testing and sending your sample early if a holiday is coming up. You can always reach us by email. Just send us a message at
We understand that you need your results as soon as possible. That is why we make sure to begin processing your samples as soon as they arrive at our laboratory. When the results are ready, we will email them to the email address you provided on your submittal form. The list below will give you an idea of our usual turnaround times.
Soil Tests: 5-7 Business days
Water Tests: 5 - 7 Business days
Plants Tests: 24 - 48 Hours
Compost Tests: 7 - 14 Business days
Fertilizer Tests: 3 - 5 Business days
Heavy Metals Test: 7 - 14 Business days
We offer a rush option for an additional 50% of the testing cost, but we would encourage you to give yourself time to test before you get to a point where a rush is needed.